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Diageo Leverages Conversational AI and Synthetic Media to Connect Consumers and Recipe Content

‍“Technology is changing the way we socialise in and outside of the home, and with the new ‘The Bar’ skill, we’re tapping into the growing number of adults using voice-enabled devices to take them on a journey towards mastering mixology.”

Jimmy Klein, New Technology & Media Innovation at Diageo.

The Context

With over 70 drinks brands including Johnny Walker, Baileys, Smirnoff, and Guinness, Diageo is a future-facing leader in the global drinks marketplace.

Voxly Digital works on retainer with the European Innovation team to pilot conversational AI experiences in a user-led way. Diageo presented us the challenge of trying to reach more consumers at home; with memorable, relevant and value-driven experiences. Looking to empower and engage, they were keen to explore opportunities to put their expert knowledge and content more easily into their consumers' hands.

The Insights

  • Making amazing cocktails at home doesn’t need to be hard or complicated. But it’s often seen as intimidating; especially when it comes to the finishing touches.  

  • Web recipes can help. But when it comes to drinks, users often need visual instructions. The risk is sticky fingers as you try and play and pause Youtube videos on you phone or tablet.  

  • The majority of Alexa users kept their devices in kitchen

‍Part One: Voice App development ‍

Working with Diageo we launched The Bar: one of the first branded skills to be optimised for screen-based Echo devices. It offers a seamless at-home cocktail-making experience:

  • Make a cocktail: This option lets the host choose a specific cocktail (using free and guided search) and then follow the recipe as Alexa reads out each step.

  • Suggest a cocktail: Cocktail recommendations based on a users’ preferences

  • Learn mixology techniques: Before the party gets started, the host can beef up their drink-making skills with nifty tips and advice on mixing ingredients the right way. (So they can impress their guests instead of poisoning them.)

  • E-Commerce integration: Users can send a shopping list of ingredients to their Alexa app or ask Alexa to purchase it on Amazon. 

We also worked closely with Amazon to help unlock the the non-branded “Alexa, open the Bar”  invocation for Diageo; which was key to establishing their cross-portfolio voice offering. 

Part Two: On-going Optimization

Looking at the analytics, Diageo objectives and the latest technical launches, we’re working with Diageo to keep optimising the service; exploring monetisation and the role of the Skill in the context of ecosystem. 

The Results:

  • Established clear category ownership in the cocktail and drinking space. 

  • The Bar Alexa skill is a core pillar of Diageo’s global voice offering.

  • Launched at CES, the service is often heroed throughout the business as an example of best-in-class user-led innovation.


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