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Empower Your Call Centre Staff with AI Tools from Microsoft

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AI Handles the Routine, Your Team Tackles the Complex

Did you know that your call centre staff can now have AI-powered conversations with users through a tool called Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service and Microsoft Copilot for Service. 


Empower your team to proactively resolve complex issues and provide exceptional tailored experience for your customers.


Your staff can use Microsoft Copilot to diagnose problems, troubleshoot issues, and even help draft follow up emails. Resolve issues faster. Boost customer loyalty at scale.

Why Invest in Microsoft AI for Customer Services?

Working on Bean Bag Chairs
Phone Call

Users will have loads of questions about your products and services. An AI Chatbot from Voxly Digital works by pulling information together from across your website and answering in natural language. Users can even use emojis or make typo’s.


Use Next-Gen AI from Microsoft to Deliver Amazing Customer Support
Call Center

Your staff can now use Microsoft Copilot, an everyday AI companion that helps solve complex issues faster and frees up more time to build relationships with customers.


Make Agents into Super Agents with Microsoft Copilot
Woman on Her Phone

Microsoft Dynamics provides organisations’ the tools they need to deliver faster, seamless, personalised experiences across any channel. 

Implementing Dynamics for Customer Service allows teams to automate manual aspects of their agents’ daily responsibilities, which helps to reduce the time they spend searching for customer information. Agents are now able to have shorter, more efficient interactions with customers. Read more here.


Reduce Call Handling Time
Busy Morning

Oftentimes, companies don’t have easy access to helpful articles and the information they need to resolve a call. It can also be difficult to locate a specialist who could help fix an issue. 


Dynamics 365 Customer Service comes with built in tools designed to help. From common knowledge bases of helpful answers that can be shared, to Microsoft Copilot and automatic routing of support cases to the best specialists - a solution from Microsoft is proven to deliver ROI to customer support operations.


Improve First-Call Resolution

Be One Step Ahead

Talk to an Expert about deploying Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Cusotmer Support into your organisation. 

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